News & Media
Mr. Straus is active in many charitable and philanthropic endeavors.
Viewing posts categorised under: Press-releases
CareOne Partners With Pinnacle Quality Insight To Enhance Patient Satisfaction
Posted on: June 4, 2015
Fort Lee, NJ – June 4, 2015 - CareOne, New Jersey’s premier senior care provider, recently announced a new partnership with Pinnacle Quality Insight to measure patient satisfaction. Through phone interviews conducted with both current and recently discharged patients and their family members, Pinnacle provides vital feedback enabling senior care providers to enhance the quality of their services based on customer experience. Survey participants are asked open-ended questions and to provide ratings. They are also encouraged to explain their answers and reasons for the ratings given. This personalized process enables providers to address each individual’s unique needs.
CareOne Management CEO Daniel E. Straus Announces Dec. 4 Date for CareOne Disaster Relief Fundraising Event
Posted on: November 21, 2012
CareOne Management CEO Daniel E. Straus Announces Dec. 4 Date for CareOne Disaster Relief Fundraising Event
Says the “hardships suffered by so many have made a lasting impression on us all”